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The Choice for a Better Future

Ta Ziyah Evans



Progress is essential for human society to flourish. And affirmative action will put

us on the right path. Colleges should retain affirmative action as criteria for admissions. It will help to raise the chances of minority students' acceptance to equal playing fields and protect those chances while improving American life by integrating diversity in the day to day lives of students.

In the News ELA affirmative action article #2, the text states "As the Supreme Court has recognized, diversity has benefits for all students," one Obama government document stated "Today's students must be prepared to succeed in a diverse society and an increasingly global workforce." This shows that the diversity caused by affirmative action will prepare students for working with different people. This can positively change work and social life for the future generation. In the News ELA affirmative action article #1, the text states “Without affirmative action, minority students may be less likely to be admitted to elite colleges. At UC Berkeley, the number of black students admitted dropped from 562 to 191 after the school stopped using race as one aspect of admissions decisions.” This shows that without affirmative action, a large number of people of color will not only be underrepresented, but missing out on huge opportunities. In the News ELA affirmative action article #3, the text states “Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow welcomed the ruling. He said considering race and many other factors "helps us achieve our goal of creating a diverse student body that enriches the education of every student."” This shows how the diversity from affirmative action can enhance the learning experience for students.

You might be thinking that affirmative action “favors” people of color over whites, therefore it is discriminatory. In the News ELA affirmative action article #4, the text states “While income can and should be considered as part of a holistic evaluation of applicants, it should complement rather than supplant the consideration of race and ethnicity… Wealth makes it easier for families to relocate to better school districts, purchase test preparation books and classes, and pay or help pay college tuition. But centuries of systemic racism and intergenerational transfers have provided white households with more wealth than households of color, even after controlling for income. In fact, middle-income white households typically have twice as much wealth as their Latin-x counterparts and three times more wealth than their black counterparts. As a result, students of color (especially black students) are more likely than similarly situated white students to attend underfunded and high poverty K-12 schools.” This Information is relevant to my claim because affirmative action can even the playing field for people of color and whites by making sure both get an edge. Whites have better income to afford things to excel in school work. With affirmative action, people of color that work just as hard (and probably twice as hard) as their white counterparts can make up for the lack of a good income.

In conclusion, affirmative action should be retained as an aspect in college

admissions. One conflict involving affirmative action was that Harvard was accused of using affirmative action to discriminate against to Asian-American students. This accusation by the SFFA was not only proven false, but the district court’s opinion repeatedly cited Students’ testimony to conclusively find racial diversity produces vital benefits at Harvard, and racial identity is critical for fairly assessing very talented students of all backgrounds. If you want to promote affirmative action, please research more about the topic and spread any credible information you can find on affirmative action and its benefits. If you were still not convinced of supporting affirmative action after reading this, you can donate to schools in poverty. By donating to these schools, students in those schools (predominantly students of color) can have the resources needed to be on equal footing as more wealthy students, possibly removing the need for affirmative action if admissions don’t have bias.



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